Lots to Look Forward to in the Coming Days!

We have lots of fun things to look forward to in the last several days of school, so don't forget to let me know if you are leaving early for summer break.

Wednesday, we will make Memory Books.

Thursday is the much anticipated Torah Celebration.

Friday, we will play Canada Jeopardy. This will be a competition amongst the three Grade 2 classes. Please watch for a study sheet to come home on Tuesday!

We will also try our best to send home all work and belongings at the end of the day on Friday.

Monday the 23rd, we will watch our Year End slide show. Please bring a flash drive on Friday if you would like to have a copy to watch at home.

Tuesday the 24th, we will have a Talent Show and Pizza Lunch (provided by the school).  Please send drinks and snacks that day. 

On the final day of school, we will play board games in class.

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~Mrs. Andersen


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