Students will design a treasure map, complete with a legend and compass. | After learning about fish and other sea animals, students will complete a mini project, using the iPad apps Drawing Pad and Strip Designer. | Students will participate in a WebQuest to sort animals into the FRAMB categories (fish, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, and birds). |
Students will create a Dinosaur Trading Card after comparing and contrasting various reptiles, such as alligators and crocodiles. | Students will look at the life cycle of a frog by making a frog wheel. | |
Students will gather Bird Facts for a mini booklet about a bird of their own choice.
| Students will create a 3D town and town map. Students will also research an occupation and take on the role of their community helper in a class presentation. | Students will participate in an in-class matter workshop provided by High Touch High Tech. |
Students will design a restaurant menu with healthy choices from each of the four food groups. Students will also participate in a "Do Bugs Need Drugs?" workshop, offered by the community health nurse. |
Students will work in groups to create an iMovie about pollution. Students will present their topic (air, noise, water, or land) to the rest of the class.
| Students will participate in an in-class Earthworks workshop provided by High Touch High Tech. |
Themes & Units
Here are some highlights from our Grade 2 program. Click on the titles to take you to games and activities for each topic!