
A Reminder About Internet Safety...

We welcome your online participation in the way of questions and comments on our blog. Here are a few simple guidelines for you to follow:

1. Do not use last names when referring to yourself or your child. However, please do leave your first name or refer to yourself as "so and so's mom", so that we know who the message is from.

2. Do not post any personal information such as your phone number or email address.

3. Try your best to model correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

4. All comments will be moderated. Your comment will be published as soon as I have read it.

Still concerned about Internet Safety? Wondering whether all the time your child is spending online is good for them? 

That’s why we're going to be learning about how to be good digital citizens. We’ll explore topics like cyberbullying, online privacy, and creative rights and responsibilities. With strong digital citizenship skills, your child will be able to take advantage of all the wonderful opportunities of technology and avoid all the things that aren’t as good for them.

I encourage you to check out the free parent resources on Common Sense Media’s website, so you can stay up-to-date on all things digital.


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