Students will be participating in a violence prevention program called Second Step. Second Step is designed to increase the level of social competence in children, and reduce impulsive and aggressive behaviour. It does this by teaching skills in empathy, impulse control and anger management.
Second Step lessons are divided into three main areas:
1. Empathy - Children learn about feelings and ways to show understanding toward others.
2. Impulse Control - Children learn new ways to solve problems and practice skills such as apologizing, interrupting politely, and making new friends.
3. Anger Management - Children learn to manage their anger in ways that do not hurt others.
Students practice five steps for solving problems:
1. What is the problem?
2. What are some solutions?
3. For each solution ask:
Is it safe?
How might people feel?
Is it fair?
Will it work?
4. Choose a solution and use it.
5. Is it working? If not, what can I do now?
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~Mrs. Andersen