Themes & Units

Here are some highlights from our Grade 2 program. Click on the titles to take you to games and activities for each topic!

Students will design a treasure map, complete with a legend and compass.

After learning about fish and other sea animals, students will complete a mini project, using the iPad apps Drawing Pad and Strip Designer.

Students will participate in a WebQuest  to sort animals into the FRAMB categories (fish, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, and birds).

Students will complete a Mammal Research Project about a mammal of their own choice. 

Students will create a Dinosaur Trading Card after comparing and contrasting various reptiles, such as alligators and crocodiles.

Students will look at the life cycle of a frog by making a frog wheel.

Students will gather Bird Facts for a mini booklet about a bird of their own choice.

Students will create a 3D town and town map.  Students will also research an occupation and take on the role of their community helper in a class presentation.

Students will participate in an in-class matter workshop provided by High Touch High Tech.

Students will design a restaurant menu with healthy choices from each of the four food groups.  Students will also participate in a "Do Bugs Need Drugs?" workshop, offered by the community health nurse.

Students will work in groups to create an iMovie about pollution.  Students will present their topic (air, noise, water, or land) to the rest of the class.

Students will participate in an in-class Earthworks workshop provided by High Touch High Tech.


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