January 13th

2A's Electronicville and 2B's Money Town
We are back in the swing of things once again! Some highlights from before the winter break include:

-Designing Dinosaur Trading Cards
QR Code Scavenger Hunt: Click for more photos!
-Scanning QR codes to decipher the clues to a reptile scavenger hunt
-Making a Frog Wheel (for the life cycle of a frog)
-Learning strategies for adding and subtracting numbers to 18
-Composing postcards to send to schools across Canada

Since returning to school, we have welcomed a new student to the 2B class! Jacob and his family have joined us from Montreal.

This past week, we have been busy learning about birds. Each student chose a bird to research and completed a mini bird booklet, with a diagram and interesting facts. We are in the process of presenting the projects aloud to the class.

Paper Mache: Click for more photos!
Paining our houses
We also named and assembled our class towns. 2A's town is called "Money Town" and 2B's town is called "Electronicville". We paper mached and painted milk cartons, which we then decorated to look like houses. We assembled the town on garbage bags and added trees and cars. Each student will choose a profession to take on in our town.

Please watch for Community Helper Project information to come home on Tuesday, January 14th. Please help your child to complete his or her research and return the rough draft to school on Thursday, January 23rdYou are invited to come to school to watch your child's presentation.  If the date and time do not work for you, please feel free to contact another parent to see if their child can switch with your child.  Please make sure to let me know if there are any changes to the schedule. 

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